Thursday, October 9, 2008


8 TV shows I love to watch!
1. Bones
2. CSI
3. House
4. Ugly Betty
5. Heroes
6. Prison Break
7. American Idol
8. Biggest Loser

8 Things that happened yesterday!
1. Went to work
2. Picked up kids from School
3. Made Navajo Tacos
4. Laundry
5. Talked on the phone
6. Read scriptures with the girls
7. Watched Bones
8. Kissed Jared good night (he is actually home at night this week, he's working the day shift)

8 Favorite places to eat!
1. Texas Roadhouse
2. Famous Daves
3. El Paso BBQ
4. Chipotles
5. Dos Hombres(in Colorado Springs, CO)
6. Casa Bonitas (in Denver, CO)
7. Fargo's Pizza (in Colorado Springs, CO)
8. Barro's Pizza

8 Things I'm looking forward to!
1. Christmas
2. Not having to go anywhere for Thanksgiving
3. Not working on Monday (Columbus Day)
4. Breanna starting YW
5. No children this Friday (Aunt Denee is taking the girls for our Anniversary)
6. My brother coming home from Iraq (he just left)
7. Jared's business making us money
8. Having 1 year of food storage

8 Things on my wish list!
1. 1 year of food storage
2. The girls to never fight (yea, like if that will ever happen)
3. More ALONE time with Jared (this working night stuff sucks)
4. Girls that get along (oh, did I say that?)
5. More time to do things for ME
6. To get more organized
7. To have no animals
8. I wish that I didn't have to work

8 People I tag!
1. Elena
2. Janette
3. Diana
4. Carolyn
5. Amber
6. Wendy
7. Katy
8. Shelly

Have Fun!!!


Katy B. said...

I am soooo with you on the year supply. I really need to get going on that more quickly than I am.:):):)