Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Amber's 4th Grade Play!

About one and a half months ago the 4th graders did a play called "The Great Kapok Tree" I think is the name of it. It was really cute, and Amber had a speaking part. She did a really good job, she actually had her part memorized, and then had to say someone else's part also because they were sick. I actually heard from Jodi's Kindergarten teacher that the play was so much better this year, than in previous years. Way to go 4th graders! The children all had to make their own costumes which were just masks. They turned out really cute. Because Amber had a speaking part she was to wear a white shirt with black pants. No costume making for me! (I was actually relieved!)

Here is video of Amber saying her part.


Alli said...

Very well spoken! Nice job Amber :)